Monday, April 28, 2014

Bentonite Clay

I am letting this bentonite clay crack and burn on my face, in my hair and down my neck whilst writing this.
Why, you may ask?
Vanity. Pure and simple.
More complex is: why the vanity?
Several reasons really.
-Age -I’m 40. The difference from 30 to 40 is dramatic. From 20-30, you get a brain, but retain the body. From 30-40, you start feeling what it is to age. 40 really likes to hand you (your now sagging) ass on a platter.
-Post partum- It is NOT pretty. Think teenage pimples (without the teenage boobs). Hair so thin that you seriously consider using your grampa’s toupee - and yet there seems to be enough that it still comes out in such huge clumps as to clog your shower drain. There is no amount of superwoman / cross-fit style exercise that is gonna get me back in a bathing suit. The stretch marks alone are a hazard. The mask is for the teenage pimples.
-Age = wrinkles. I have to admit that I actually am pretty lucky so far. I don’t have that many fine lines on my face. On the other hand, I avoid at all costs ANY magnifying mirror -excepting cases when I pluck eyebrows and then I don’t allow my eyes to wander - so I really can’t tell you how many fine lines I have.
-Experimentation - I never was much of a masker… I suppose it has to do with my mother not being much of a masker - she was more a soak in the bathtub (for HOURS) reading a book -type, so I didn’t have much reference. I want to know what the big deal with masking is, so I thought I’d give it a shot.
-I don’t have the time or money for the spa. This, while my baby sleeps and the tornado is at school, gives me some “me” time.
It’s actually kind of interesting when I try to raise my eyebrows or smile. It feels like I’m pulling all the skin off…
It really has, in the past, made my hair soft.
SO check-it.
Bentonite clay (can get it at amazon) with Apple Cider Vinegar. Mix to a thick paste (it will fizz like with baking soda) and spread it on evenly. Let it dry. The container says 20 minutes, but I like to leave it on longer… I’m almost up to an hour now, but gonna rinse here in a second.

So that’s my idea for the day. Best not crack and shed all over the couch.

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